*ToNic-Pics, Pixabay
As children of God, we should, like Jesus, support those who come to the Lord, encourage them, strengthen them, and lead them to growth of faith so that they accept Jesus and grasp eternal life (2 Tm4.2; Ac20.31). This involves exhortation, but not condemnation (judgment). The judgment referred to in 1 Cor2.15 “The spiritual man, judge of all”, is a reflection that allows us to make good decisions (for ourselves and/or others). This judgment is not a “free pass” for discrimination, hatred, humiliation, malice, contempt.
Jesus also says that He did not come to “judge” (condemn) the world, but to save it (Jn3.17; 12.47;17.2; Mat18. 11; Lc6.37-41;9.56; Jcq4.12; Rom14.4,13; Phil2.3; 1Co4.5; 1Thes5.14). Rather, what we should do is “exhort” (if necessary) in order to “instruct” and bring the person who has gone astray back to God, out of love.
There is also a difference for us, between those who belong to the Lord and those who do not belong to him (1Co5.12; Col4.5; 1Thes4.12; Mat18. 17). If after an exhortation, stubbornness directs the person elsewhere, you just have to place them in the hands of the Lord, who only He can do something. Leaving things in HIS hands is always the best solution. And sometimes it's better to separate than to judge each other.
Between THE verse of 1 Cor2.15 “The spiritual man, on the contrary, judges everything, and he himself is not judged by anyone” and the high number verses that exhort not to judge, there is a BIG difference. First, this verse speaks of the "mind of Christ" (1Co2.16, 17), that is to say, it is known only by the true Christian and this thought allows one to make decisions led by the Holy Spirit, it is not mentioned that it is to condemn others, nor to belittle them. Second, there are many more verses exhorting the Christian not to judge others! (Luke6.36-49; Mat7.1-5; Jcq3.1,4.12; Rm2.1;14.13; Prov21.2…) Luke2.1 says “you who judge, you are therefore inexcusable! » and Luke 6.37 “Judge not, and you will not be judged; do not condemn and you will not be condemned; absolve, and you will be absolved.” Absolution here does not mean accepting everything. We can forgive without letting bad behavior harm us or others and make good decisions in this regard.
Let's be honest though, we've ALL "judged" someone before, and our Lord is good enough to "return" us to more noble and worthy thoughts. Him. But in all this, how do I know if I am in judgment?
Is what I'm saying really necessary?
Am I doing this for the right reasons?
Do I use my impressions, my feelings, my emotions to judge?
Have I been waiting a long time to be able to say this to this person/people?
Is this humiliating for him/her/them? Contemptuous?
Do I particularly like doing this in front of others, so that everyone sees or hears it, which makes me feel superior?
Does when I condemn someone, do I feel “better” than him/her/them?
Do what I condemn in others, do I do it myself? Or do I, while I condemn the other, know myself that I am in sin (not necessarily the same one)?
Did I condemn the other based on what “someone said” without knowing the real motivations, the real story?
Am I defending my own convictions or have I prayerfully sought what the Word of God says about it, and what the Holy Spirit tells me?
Can this person move closer to God after what I said/did or move away from Him?
Do I do it out of love, or because I “know” and I determine the sentence?
Lord forgive us for misunderstanding the judgment! Forgive us for all the times we have been “tools” of the enemy by condemning people, judging them and inciting others to do like us! Help us to change, to have a look like yours, Jesus! A look of compassion and wisdom! Come to our aid because of our sins, help us to be true spiritual men/women! Remove our pride, our contempt, and make us agents of Your Good News! In the name of Jesus!